Closed Opportunities ACFTA renegotiation, Indonesian Government to Focus Domestic Industry

Saturday, April 23, 2011 Label:

The government asserted not to continue running the trading scheme of the ASEAN-China Free Trade Agreement (ACFTA). That attitude also affirmed the government's position that closes the opportunity to renegotiate with the Chinese side.

"We no renegotiation talks, but we use the existing protocol instruments, especially the bilateral approach and so on," said Coordinating Minister Hatta Rajasa after opening the Association of Young Entrepreneurs Forum of ASEAN-China (ACYEF), Thursday (21 / 4).

That is, Hatta emphasized that the renegotiation was not done in the context of ASEAN. The government's goal in the near future is to give protection to domestic industry.

Hatta industry recognizes there is a hit due to Chinese products. "We still also have to pay attention, that our industries are hit hard as well, for example there are six of our industry, footwear, textiles, textile products, and so on," said Hatta emphasized.

Meki, Hatta also reminded the positive side of the scheme ACFTA. "If we sawindeed the positive side a lot .The volume of trade we are rising even we want to target at 50 billion U.S. dollars in quick time and it will be reached ,"said Hatta .

On that occasion, Hatta denied that the government, especially Minister of Trade Mari Elka Pangestu and Menperindustrian MS Hidayat is not compact. "It is not compact, (they) compact. Sometimes just a different language, "said Hatta.
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