Pneumonia is one form of P acute respiratory infections (ARI) are dangerous. Acute signifies a sudden disturbances. Once stricken with pneumonia, lungs gasping function. "As a result, the body lacks oxygen," explained Chairman Respirologi UKK Indonesian Pediatric Association, Darmawan.
Lack of oxygen supply could have serious repercussions on sufferers. Trouble is, there is no similarity perception between physicians and health workers in PHC about counting breaths. "In fact, this is one way to recognize pneumonia," Dawn regret.
Boediman explain pneumonia usually preceded by symptoms of a cold (common cold). Sufferers experience fever accompanied or without cough and runny nose. "These symptoms may be accompanied by headache and loss of appetite." Once the pneumonia germs enter, he infects the lower respiratory tract. His breath became quick and tight. "If a child who experienced it will not eat, drink, and a fever, you should check into the hospital," suggested Darmawan.
So far, only a handful of parents and caregivers of children who can recognize pneumonia. For that, people need to improve the ability to recognize the symptoms of pneumonia. "We can provide help more quickly if people around the child's responsive and works with healthcare providers," says Darmawan.
No need to sound like a timer in the hospital to do the counting breaths. You only need a timepiece that has a second needle. "Put a hand on the child's chest or abdomen and count how many times the motion of her breathing," says Darmawan.
What kind of breathing motion is calculated? Select one of attraction or a breath. "The frequency of normal per minute 60 for infants less than two months, 50 for infants aged two to 12 months, and 40 for children aged one to five years," explained Darmawan.
Note also the sign of shortness of breath. In addition to a quick breath, look at whether children use the extra breathing muscles. "Is there a tug of the chest wall into the bottom, underneath the sidelines of the concave ribs," says Darmawan. In addition, be aware of the existence of seizures or bluish in children. This indicates the oxygen supply has been very minimal. "The younger the age of the baby, the less typical symptoms," says Darmawan.
At the hospital, the doctor will perform a complete examination of the disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, or parasite. Includes a check leukocytes as a marker of infection and chest X-rays. "However, in peripheral regions, concave mark on his chest is enough to diagnose a child," said Darmawan.
Suppose light, children with pneumonia can be treated at home with an antibiotic prescription. It said if the little light just having a quick breath. "Nmun, if there is severe breathing problems, difficulty eating and drinking, under two years of sufferers, and no other comorbidities such as cerebral palsy, the child must be hospitalized," says Darmawan.
Although doctors do not know exactly germs cause, antibiotics remain the primary therapy of pneumonia. That was done because of difficulty in the lung fluid samples for laboratory tests difficult. "Therefore, antibiotics should be given the choice and the right dose that is in accordance with the degree of illness," says Darmawan. (dante 17+)
Lack of oxygen supply could have serious repercussions on sufferers. Trouble is, there is no similarity perception between physicians and health workers in PHC about counting breaths. "In fact, this is one way to recognize pneumonia," Dawn regret.
Boediman explain pneumonia usually preceded by symptoms of a cold (common cold). Sufferers experience fever accompanied or without cough and runny nose. "These symptoms may be accompanied by headache and loss of appetite." Once the pneumonia germs enter, he infects the lower respiratory tract. His breath became quick and tight. "If a child who experienced it will not eat, drink, and a fever, you should check into the hospital," suggested Darmawan.
So far, only a handful of parents and caregivers of children who can recognize pneumonia. For that, people need to improve the ability to recognize the symptoms of pneumonia. "We can provide help more quickly if people around the child's responsive and works with healthcare providers," says Darmawan.
No need to sound like a timer in the hospital to do the counting breaths. You only need a timepiece that has a second needle. "Put a hand on the child's chest or abdomen and count how many times the motion of her breathing," says Darmawan.
What kind of breathing motion is calculated? Select one of attraction or a breath. "The frequency of normal per minute 60 for infants less than two months, 50 for infants aged two to 12 months, and 40 for children aged one to five years," explained Darmawan.
Note also the sign of shortness of breath. In addition to a quick breath, look at whether children use the extra breathing muscles. "Is there a tug of the chest wall into the bottom, underneath the sidelines of the concave ribs," says Darmawan. In addition, be aware of the existence of seizures or bluish in children. This indicates the oxygen supply has been very minimal. "The younger the age of the baby, the less typical symptoms," says Darmawan.
At the hospital, the doctor will perform a complete examination of the disease can be caused by viruses, bacteria, fungus, or parasite. Includes a check leukocytes as a marker of infection and chest X-rays. "However, in peripheral regions, concave mark on his chest is enough to diagnose a child," said Darmawan.
Suppose light, children with pneumonia can be treated at home with an antibiotic prescription. It said if the little light just having a quick breath. "Nmun, if there is severe breathing problems, difficulty eating and drinking, under two years of sufferers, and no other comorbidities such as cerebral palsy, the child must be hospitalized," says Darmawan.
Although doctors do not know exactly germs cause, antibiotics remain the primary therapy of pneumonia. That was done because of difficulty in the lung fluid samples for laboratory tests difficult. "Therefore, antibiotics should be given the choice and the right dose that is in accordance with the degree of illness," says Darmawan. (dante 17+)