Former Finance Minister Sri Mulyani Indrawati, who now serves as managing director of the World Bank is scheduled to conduct a special meeting with President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono at the Hotel Intercontinental on the sidelines of the ASEAN Finance Ministers Meeting (AFMM) to-15 on Friday (8 / 4) at 21.00 pm.
Based on information from the Press Bureau of the Secretariat of the President, the President meeting with Sri Mulyani was conducted after the President met with the Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda one hour earlier. Not yet known topics raised in the special meeting.
Sri Mulyani Arrivals to Bali in orderfulfill the AFMM invitation to the 15th held at the Westin Hotel , NusaDua . In addition to Sri Mulyani and Kuroda, other international organizations invited are representatives of the IMF Nayauki Shinohara, and ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan.
In AFMM opening of the 15th on Friday (8 / 4) morning, the finance minister admitted that he had met SBY together representatives of other international agencies. "Did not you face together,"she answered reporters' questions whether there is a special meeting with the President.
Sri indeed been the target of a journalist is so visible in the arena of the 15th AFMM this. When entering into the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Sri became an easy target camera television reporter and photographer. Wearing a green patterned batik dresses, Sri greet some of the officials present.
When invaded by reporters after the opening ceremony, Sri reluctant to comment on. Sri simply answering reporters' questions that ask for this condition. "I'm healthy, thank you yes," he said. When the cameras and reporters getting closer, Sri even jokingly, "Oh, i can not move," he said.
Based on information from the Press Bureau of the Secretariat of the President, the President meeting with Sri Mulyani was conducted after the President met with the Asian Development Bank President Haruhiko Kuroda one hour earlier. Not yet known topics raised in the special meeting.
Sri Mulyani Arrivals to Bali in orderfulfill the AFMM invitation to the 15th held at the Westin Hotel , NusaDua . In addition to Sri Mulyani and Kuroda, other international organizations invited are representatives of the IMF Nayauki Shinohara, and ASEAN Secretary General Surin Pitsuwan.
In AFMM opening of the 15th on Friday (8 / 4) morning, the finance minister admitted that he had met SBY together representatives of other international agencies. "Did not you face together,"she answered reporters' questions whether there is a special meeting with the President.
Sri indeed been the target of a journalist is so visible in the arena of the 15th AFMM this. When entering into the Bali International Convention Center (BICC), Sri became an easy target camera television reporter and photographer. Wearing a green patterned batik dresses, Sri greet some of the officials present.
When invaded by reporters after the opening ceremony, Sri reluctant to comment on. Sri simply answering reporters' questions that ask for this condition. "I'm healthy, thank you yes," he said. When the cameras and reporters getting closer, Sri even jokingly, "Oh, i can not move," he said.