ESQ Training Institute Training Center obtained a certificate of appropriateness Islamic Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI). With the existence of the certificate is then expressed in accordance ESQ Shari'a and not contain false or misleading elements.According to the head of ESQ, Ari Gina Agustian, certification is the answer to all doubts and issues developing in society. "During this time there is an opinion ESQ astray then the assumption can be ignored," he said in Jakarta on Monday (7 / 2).
Ari explained, the issue arises when misguided ESQ Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Malaysia issued a fatwa about it. In fact, for 10 years means that there are problems in the ESQ. However, the alumni ESQ which amounts to millions deems it necessary to obtain legal certainty and legality of sharia. The reason, ESQ is the incorporation of the noble values of religion and management and leadership.
These values, said Ari, asserted that the ESQ is engaged in developing and improving the quality of Indonesian human resources. Through the implementation of seven major reason, it is expected in 2020 will create a nation of honest, has integrity, visionary, discipline, cooperation, fairness, and care. "Ser identification will be a strong basis for encouraging the development of tablespoons of character," he said
MUI secretary general, Ichwan Sam, said the certification issued after a thorough study for about 6 months. Pursued intensive studies both through observation and direct training, interviews, and meniliti books that became the main reference ESQ.Concluded, that the ESQ not understand religious institutions that disseminate the false and misleading. "The evidence does not exist alumni ESQ alamai apostate or degradation in creeds and religious activity," he said.
But, said Ichwan, ESQ is a training institution that would take and implement the teachings of Islam as a backrest. Because, many pearls wisdom in the Qur'an or Hadith that encourages personal coaching is tough. ESQ Contribution properly is appreciated. Primarily, for Muslims ESQ portray Islam as a religion which is close to modernity, organizational management and heart. "ESQ has proven very well," he said
In that same opportunity, the Sharia Supervisory Board confirmed ESQ consisting of several national leaders and scholars, among others, KH Ma'ruf Amin, Drs HM Icwan Sam, Prof. Didier Hafidhuddin, Prof. Ranuwijaya Debt, and Dr. Nafis Cholil. "In the future we hope that no misunderstandings occur again in the middle of the community," said Ichwan.
Ari explained, the issue arises when misguided ESQ Mufti Wilayah Persekutuan Malaysia issued a fatwa about it. In fact, for 10 years means that there are problems in the ESQ. However, the alumni ESQ which amounts to millions deems it necessary to obtain legal certainty and legality of sharia. The reason, ESQ is the incorporation of the noble values of religion and management and leadership.
These values, said Ari, asserted that the ESQ is engaged in developing and improving the quality of Indonesian human resources. Through the implementation of seven major reason, it is expected in 2020 will create a nation of honest, has integrity, visionary, discipline, cooperation, fairness, and care. "Ser identification will be a strong basis for encouraging the development of tablespoons of character," he said
MUI secretary general, Ichwan Sam, said the certification issued after a thorough study for about 6 months. Pursued intensive studies both through observation and direct training, interviews, and meniliti books that became the main reference ESQ.Concluded, that the ESQ not understand religious institutions that disseminate the false and misleading. "The evidence does not exist alumni ESQ alamai apostate or degradation in creeds and religious activity," he said.
But, said Ichwan, ESQ is a training institution that would take and implement the teachings of Islam as a backrest. Because, many pearls wisdom in the Qur'an or Hadith that encourages personal coaching is tough. ESQ Contribution properly is appreciated. Primarily, for Muslims ESQ portray Islam as a religion which is close to modernity, organizational management and heart. "ESQ has proven very well," he said
In that same opportunity, the Sharia Supervisory Board confirmed ESQ consisting of several national leaders and scholars, among others, KH Ma'ruf Amin, Drs HM Icwan Sam, Prof. Didier Hafidhuddin, Prof. Ranuwijaya Debt, and Dr. Nafis Cholil. "In the future we hope that no misunderstandings occur again in the middle of the community," said Ichwan.