Low vitamin D? Apart Make Bones Fragile, So High Risk of Diabetes

Thursday, May 26, 2011 Label:
Did you already make sure to get adequate intake of vitamins every day? Should be wary, low vitamin D levels in the blood circulation was high risk for developing diabetes condition, according to a recent study conducted in Australia.
After following the development of 5000 participants for five years, researchers found that those with vitamin D levels lower than average, are at increased risk by 57 per cent had type 2 diabetes compared with those with levels of vitamin D are recommended.
"Our study concluded that blood levels of vitamin D higher than that recommended for bone health, it was necessary to reduce the risk of type 2 diabetes," said lead investigator, Dr Claudia Gagnon, from the Western Hospital, University of Melbourne, Australia, where studies performed.
Vitamin D is produced by the body in response to exposure to sunlight and also diasup naturally in some foods, like eggs, fish, cod and salmon. This vitamin, in collaboration with the calcium, known to his role as a bone builder.
Health experts recommend a daily intake of vitamin D dose for adults is about 600 IU in order to maintain circulation levels in the normal range.
Studies in the past menyimpulkn that vitamin D also helps blood sugar levels are always controlled. In 2 diabetes, the most common form, the body can no longer use the insulin produced by the body effectively to control blood sugar levels. Vitamin D may be important in improving insulin release earlier, said Gagnon.
To see whether circulating levels of vitamin D and calcium intake influence insulin sensitivity and diabetes risk, Gagnon team examined blood levels of vitamin D in 5200 people without diabetes complaints. After 5 years, about 200 participants showed signs of early symptoms of diabetes. Researchers also measured levels of vitamin D in their bodies once again.
Researchers found that about 6 out of a hundred people, with low levels of vitamin D, in the future to develop the condition of diabetes than those who had higher levels of vitamin D is recommended.
When the researchers studied more detail of other diabetes risk factors, such as age, waist circumference and family health history, risk participants with low vitamin D levels, to 57 percent higher than those who had vitamin D levels high.
Calcium was also believed to participate in the release of insulin, but researchers found no link between these minerals with the further development of diabetes.
"But our findings is not yet prove cause and effect," said Gagnon. He asserted further study is needed to determine whether vitamin D supplements did make a real difference in diabetes risk, to ensure optimal levels of vitamin D the body needs to minimize the disease.
Responding to the study, assistant professor of medicine at the University of Washington in Seattle, Ian de Boer said it was difficult to find definite links between vitamin D and diabetes.
However, he added obesity and lazy tendency to move, triggering the biggest factor 2 diabetes can cause low vitamin D levels in the blood, Boer said. He himself was not involved in the study conducted in the Australian.
Vitamin D also dikaitan with low risk of exposure to asthma, heart disease and certain cancers. But there is no strong evidence that shows supplements can help alleviate the risk of the disease earlier.
The main source of vitamin D is sunlight, but the salmon and dairy products and derivatives also contain many vitamins, she said.
He stressed the best way to reduce the risk of diabetes is still exercising and have a healthy diet. "I think there is not enough information to conclude that taking supplements of vitamin D actually reduce the risk of diabetes," he said.
Source: Msnbc.com
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