Microsoft Launches Windows 8 Beta, Looks Like Cell Phone Menu

Saturday, November 5, 2011 Label:
Two years after the launch of Windows 7, Microsoft is now preparing to release Windows 8. Division President of Windows and Windows Live, Steven Sinofsky said, its latest product is the result of produks reimajinasi before.

"All of it. From the chipset to the user experience over the look of Windows 7 and earlier. Windows 8 will bring a new computing experience without compromise," said Sinofsky.

This operating system before grafting a number of technologies that appear in Windows-based mobile phone. Such as in the display face which is usually a small icon, now have started a large (size of the tiles) and the applications that run directly on the screen.

A number of practitioners who were invited to comment if the Microsoft operating system is positive. The invitation was given one tablet of Samsung that already use Windows 8. One of the pre-eminent in this OS is a new interface 'Metro' which uses an integrated approach to the tablet, a computer with a mouse and keyboard.

Sources: Telegraph
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