Bank DKI through Islamic unit provides financing of Rp 10 billion to the Indonesian Sharia Coop (Inkopsyah). Funding was eventually going to be channeled to micro-entrepreneurs through cooperatives sharia and Baitul Maal Wat Tamwil (BMT).
Financing''will be given in stages,''said Director of Bank DKI, Eko Budi Wiyono, told reporters on Friday (6 / 5).
Mudharabah a contract agreement with revenue sharing 86.7 percent to 13.3 percent for banks and cooperatives. According to him, this financing is the second time the Bank DKI cooperation with Inkopsyah. In 2009, Bank DKI disburse Rp 5 billion of financing.
Partnership''is also in order to boost growth of financing we UMKMK (Small Micro Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives),''he explained. Inkopsyah addition, cooperation is also carried out by a number of Financing Bank Rakyat Syariah (BPRS).
Financing''will be given in stages,''said Director of Bank DKI, Eko Budi Wiyono, told reporters on Friday (6 / 5).
Mudharabah a contract agreement with revenue sharing 86.7 percent to 13.3 percent for banks and cooperatives. According to him, this financing is the second time the Bank DKI cooperation with Inkopsyah. In 2009, Bank DKI disburse Rp 5 billion of financing.
Partnership''is also in order to boost growth of financing we UMKMK (Small Micro Medium Enterprises and Cooperatives),''he explained. Inkopsyah addition, cooperation is also carried out by a number of Financing Bank Rakyat Syariah (BPRS).